Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mae West: Coffee, Tea, or Mae?

Imagine taking off from MAE WEST International.
• • "Why not Mae West or Marilyn Monroe or Margaret Thatcher airports? OK, that last one scares me already," jokes Canadian columnist Ian Haysom.
• • Writing for the Times Colonist [on 22 May 2010], Ian Haysom recalls some of the many men who have been honored: "And they have Ronald Reagan Airport, which still feels a little Hollywood. California has John Wayne Airport and Oklahoma has Will Rogers. Liverpool has John Lennon Airport (groovy, baby) and Paris has De Gaulle, which feels imperious and arrogant, shouting at everyone to behave and get a haircut. Not many women's names there, you may have noticed. ..."
• • What's your opinion? Would you like to fly into Mae?

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Mae West.

1 comment:

  1. R. Mark Desjardins11:48 AM

    Your comments on there being no airports named after women were interesting and certainly beg the question "why not?"
    Mae West was very leery of flying and it took a great effort for her to be convinced to travel by air for the New York premiere of Myra Breckinridge. She chose to be driven to San Francisco for the opening of Sextette.
    Being somewhat of a "slow movin' gal," Mae toured the US several times by train, and considering the current popularity of this venerable mode of transportation, perhaps serious thought should be considered renaming one of the large train stations after her.
