Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Mae West & Psychic Kenny Kingston

Inner View with Kenny Kingston: On Mae West and Being Psychic

Many Hands did this article. Here is an excerpt.
Kenny Kingston, America's leading psychic to the stars has been wowing audiences for decades. A spiritualist medium and expert in the field of psychic phenomena, Kingston has given psychic messages and readings to celebrities from all over the world including Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, the Duchess of Windsor and even presidents Eisenhower and Truman. Born to the seven daughter of a seventh daughter, Kingston said that his psychic life began with tea readings.
His clairvoyance has catapulted him into the spotlight with books, infomercials and all the trappings of fame, but behind it all is a sweet spirit.
MH: What is a psychic? Do you see names, dates, or do you just get impressions?
KK: All three. But I am a psychic/ medium.
MH: What was your first psychic experience?
KK: I think the tea leaves. My mother had a newspaper friend and as I looked at the leaves I said to her 'Crash, crash. crash.' She was about to take a train and she decided not to take that train and it did crash, but I don not remember it.
MH: Now what is the legacy of being born to the seven daughter of a seventh daughter?
KK: Well, you know that it is very Irish.
MH: Do you ever do phone readings?
KK: Yes. Would you believe it. I have an application right here from someone in India who wants a phone reading. Phone reading employs what is known as 'clairaudience.'
MH: Is that what you learned from Mae West?
KK: Well, nobody really teaches you this. When I was three or four my grandmother, Catherine Walsh Clarke, taught me tea leaf reading. Then my mother, Kaye, taught me psychometry. Then when I was 7 or 8 Mae West was a close friend of my mother's and she practiced clairaudience, which is listening to the sound of the voice and picking up the vibrations. Did you know that she wrote all of her plays while in a trance?
MH: No kidding?
KK: She was a multi-millionairess with property that she bought when she was in trance. She would just listen to that little tiny voice inside.
MH: We just need to be able to hear it, right?
KK: Yes, and you can do this through meditation. What is mediation? Meditation is listening to God, just as praying is talking to Him.
MH: How much do you charge for a private reading?
KK: Please call 213-650-7007 to make an appointment.
this is an excerpt from - -

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