The Norwalk Advocate printed an article about the Palace Theatre, a showplace that opened in 1914 and featured
MAE WEST onstage along with other legendary performers.

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• • Crew preps Palace for 'In Bloom' • •
By Alexandra Fenwick, Staff Writer
The Norwalk Advocate
NORWALK -- The marquee at the Palace Theater in South Norwalk has not advertised show titles for several years. But recently, a crew of scenic artists working on an Uma Thurman movie put the names of fictitious films on the marquee for Palace Production Center.
• • The artists were preparing the facade of the historic North Main Street theater for its role in "In Bloom," based on Laura Kasischke's book "The Life Before Her Eyes," about the survivor of a school shooting.
• • The scene at the Palace is a flashback, and the fake movies billed on the marquee and in posters include clues to a plot twist, art director Miguel Lopez-Castillo said.
• • Scenes will be shot in the lobby of the nearby SoNo Regent 8 theater, said Zvi Cole, director of marketing for Crown Theatres nationwide.
• • After wrapping at the Regent, filming begins nightly outside the Palace. . . .
• •
The Palace, opened in 1914, has hosted acts such as Mae West, Harry Houdini, and W.C. Fields. The director of "The Stepford Wives" screened dailies there in 2004, but the Palace hasn't been the setting for a film.
• • That may change.
• • Wendy Lambert, president of the Palace Production Center, said producers are exploring the tax break.
• • "We're intrigued about the idea and interested in opening our doors because . . . we've got a unique location and . . . a state-of-the-art facility," Lambert said.
• • Crown Theatres has worked with the Connecticut Film Commission to allow producers and directors to review footage at their multiplexes, but never was featured in a film, Cole said.
• • The scenic artists, members of United Scenic Artists Local 829 out of New York City, began working Tuesday at the Palace. . . .
Originally published: 7 September 2006
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Mae West• • Photo: MAE WEST, 19, on a songsheet in early 1913 • •
NYCMae West.