Frederick's of Hollywood's Lingerie Museum, once located in Frederick's old purple, pink, and gray Art Deco building, had
MAE WEST's marabou-trimmed negligee on display. All that has changed, explains Larry Gordon,
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer in his intriguing article "Frederick's uplifting museum is dismantled." When the store moved to a new location, unfortunately there was no longer any room for MAE WEST's bedroom-wear, Madonna's bustier, Tom Hanks' boxers, or Natalie Wood's bra.
• • Here is an excerpt from Gordon's recent reportage:

• • Holiday shoppers will find seductive stocking stuffers and naughty gifts at Frederick's of Hollywood's flagship store on Hollywood Boulevard. The silky chemises, outrageously tiny thong panties and lacy brassieres are all there, many offered in bright Christmas red and New Year's Eve black.
• • But where is the mannequin of Milton Berle in his drag dressing gown? Where is Madonna's black and gold bustier? Where is
Mae West's marabou-bedecked negligee?
• • To the consternation of some local kitsch lovers and underwear fetishists, Frederick's of Hollywood quietly dismantled its
Lingerie Museum and Celebrity Lingerie Hall of Fame when the underwear emporium moved three blocks west last year to a more upscale location.
• • Nevertheless, some guidebooks and tourism websites still list the vanished displays. And visitors still ask for the small and unusual museum, which was founded in 1987 and featured, at various times, Natalie Wood's bra from "
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice," Tom Hanks' boxers from "
Forrest Gump," Susan Sarandon's garter belt from "
Bull Durham," and Tony Curtis' cross-dressing dainties from "
Some Like It Hot."
• • "A nice, free attraction that was fun to visit" is the way Robert Nudelman, an activist in Hollywood Heritage, a preservation group, described the museum inside the former store. "It did have its place in local color and scene here and it did have an impact in bringing in visitors."
• • Nudelman recalled its moment of international fame during the 1992 riots, when looters invaded and stole a bustier Madonna had worn on a concert tour, along with a lot of retail merchandise. (Madonna later reportedly gave a replacement in exchange for a Frederick's cash donation to a charity.)
• • The new shop, on Hollywood Boulevard by the corner of McCadden Place, is closer to the Highland Avenue tourism buzz than it used to be. Decked out with crystal chandeliers and leopard rugs, it projects a more elegant tone in which - - museum fans suspect - - Ethel Merman's girdle might not fit. . . .
• • Company spokeswoman Jennifer Cornwall said the new store did not have room for the museum, so most of the items were packed off to a warehouse in Phoenix. . . .
= = brief excerpt from Larry Gordon's article = =
• • Source:
The Los Angeles Times• • Printed: 19 December 2006
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